Friday, July 23, 2010

Staying Positive

Well, the last time I posted I thought Logan had full blown mucositis. Turns out I was wrong. Yesterday his mucositis really kicked in. It was such a rough day for Logan, he was really hurting. They had to increase his pain meds twice. Last night we finally got his pain under control. We know now to push the button every hour and it delivers the medicine to him immediately. Today has definitely been way better. He has been sleeping quite a bit today, but when he is awake he is a happy boy. I think yesterday was the first time I questioned myself. I wondered if I could really handle this. But then I went home and got a full nights sleep, and woke up on a more positive note.
A really great thing is that Billy is most likely going to get to stay the whole time we are down here. His LT got his letter and told him the ball is rolling. This is a huge relief, it will be so much better for the both of us to be down here. We should be heading out of here late November, if everything goes well. I think it will.
One thing I have learned in these past couple of days is doctors are not always right...sometimes they aren't even close. All the doctors thought it would be best if we tried this tent treatment on Logan. They are doing it for a lot of the kids that have Para Flu. What they do is put this plastic tent thing around the bed and a mist with medicine is blown inside of it and Logan breathes it in. That's how the doctors described it when they told Billy and I about this treatment. We thought ok we could try. Logan will probably get scared from this but we can always comfort him. Well turns out that wasn't even close to what the treatment was really like. The respiratory therapist came by an hour before they were going to do the treatment to explain to us what it was like. There is a plastic tent that goes around the bed, but Logan either has to wear a mask or have some kind of hood over his head during the treatment... did I mention the treatment lasts for eight hours? Then the medicine that he is breathing in is some kind of chemo. Like I want to give him anymore chemo! Then on top of everything else, they didn't want Billy and I in the room because the medicine is harmful to us. I told them no I have to be in the room, so they said they have a mask that I can wear but they couldn't guarantee that it would fit my face perfectly. Even though I could be in the room I could not go near the tent. The more I sat there and thought about it the idea of doing this treatment seemed like a bad idea. There was no way Logan was going to wear a mask or let them put a hood over his head. There was no way Logan was going to stay in a plastic tent. He would get scared and freak out. And then I find out if any of that medicine were to spill it would be a bio-hazard. Logan can get very violent when he is scared. So Billy and I decided to refuse treatment. Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention that the docs said the treatment isn't even proven to work. Logan is already starting to get better. So I think we made the right decision.
Right now Logan is sitting on the couch playing, since he has freedom from the lines for an hour. That's always our favorite part of the day. Billy is chasing him across the room, he is actually running from daddy right now! Well I'm going to go play with them. So that's it for today. :)

1 comment:

  1. I do hope that Billy will be able to be with you for the duration. I think you made the right decision about the mist tent Rx. As long as he seems to be getting better that's all that matters. Stay strong...both of you!!
