Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day -1

So tomorrow is the big day. Logan is getting his stem cell transplant! Today is Logan's last day of ATG. Thank goodness, he is itching like crazy right now because of it. It seems like the side effects of ATG are kicking in at the last minute. Well, one of them anyway. He has quite a few hives and, like I said, he is itching really bad. The nurse is about to bring him something for that, because the Benadryl isn't helping.
Logan hasn't been feeling very well today. He threw up a lot last night, so they gave him some Adavan for his nausea. It helped but made him sleep. He has been sleeping most of the day. We did get him out of the room this morning. We played in the connection room for a while and then rode around in the car for a little bit. Then we came back to the room and he went to sleep. So again another uneventful day.
Oh yeah, except for they put us on contact isolation because Logan is coughing and they want to make sure it's not an infection. So whenever we go out we have to wear yellow gowns and gloves. After typing that last bit five minutes ago, it turns out the whole floor is on contact isolation because one of the kids has the flu. So now everyone has to get tested until they can go off.
We are looking forward to tomorrow. Even though the transplant only takes an hour, and the kids usually sleep through it... when you think about it, it's kind of like being born all over again! Logan gets to have a birthday twice a year. Well I will write more tomorrow and let everyone know how it goes.


  1. I will be awaiting the good news that the transplant is over and Logan is doing well. Sending healing, positive energy your way!!! I love you all so much. Granny

  2. Very nice blog Noelle. Thanks for the perspective and the updates. It is quite emotive. It brings back memories of being a resident at MD Anderson. It was precious working with kiddos. The nurses were very special too!

    We are all hoping it will go well for Logan with a minimum of side effects or complications. Sounds like he is tolerating it thus far as well as could be expected, at least in my limited experience.

    Please keep up the daily blogging. It helps to know what is going on from day to day. I hope you are finding Durham to be hospitable. It certainly sounds like the transplant floor tries to do their best to meet your needs.

    Love you guys bunches - Dennis
