Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day -9

Today is the day I consider the official beginning of it all. Logan started his chemotherapy today. The chemo he is on is called Busulfan. He will have to take it every six hours for four days then he starts a different type of chemo. Busulfan inhibits the growth of rapidly dividing cells like cancer cells and can suppress the immune system.
Logan has been doing great, I am so proud of him. The only thing he had a hard time with today was getting the dressing changed around his central line. Everyone says the first dressing change is the worst because there tends to be dried blood on the gauze which causes it to stick to the central line entry point. His new dressing doesn't have any gauze on it, it's just a plastic type bandage. (it looks like clear tape) Logan was a little sore from the central line surgery he got yesterday, but he didn't make a huge fuss about it. He got up and took a couple of walks on the floor, drove around in the little car, and played some basketball! When I left the hospital he was pretty tired. He was dosing and watching TV. I think he will sleep just as well as he did last night.
We met a couple families on the floor. Everyone is so kind. There is a family there that we had already met about three weeks ago. Their little boy, Joey, got a stem cell transplant. Logan and Joey were supposed to be admitted at the same time, but Logan got pushed back two weeks. Joey is doing amazing, he is so cute and has so much energy! Joey and his family gave Logan a welcome to the floor present. Also, our friend Penny made Logan a poster for his door. It is beautiful, everybody stops to look at it! We also met a lady from family support today. Logan got a care package full of fun things to do and they had little projects in there to get him motivated to walk around as much as he can. She had us make a wish list for all three of the boys because Santa is coming for Christmas in July. They are going to mail presents to Austin and Aiden. We also found out that the a NASCAR pit crew is coming at the end of the month. They are bringing goodies for all the kids on the floor.
Billy is at the hospital with Logan tonight. I didn't get a whole lot of sleep. I am going to have to get used to all the beeping and buzzing. I think I may have already because when I came home to the quite apartment it seemed odd not hear those noises. I am definitely looking forward to the big comfortable bed!
I didn't have a chance to talk to Aiden and Austin tonight. I couldn't call until after their bedtime. Mom says they are doing great, and being good boys. I am also so proud of them, they, too, are having to sacrifice a lot right now, even if they don't realize it. Well, I am tired and tomorrow is going to be another long day. I only hope that Logan will do as great as he did today.

Logan's first round of Chemotherapy 7:00am on 7/7/2010.

Logan playing basketball

Logan chilling out while getting his second round of chemo.

The poster Penny made for Logan!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted you guys to know you are in our thoughts here at Starbright. Give Logan a squeeze for us.. take care.
