Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Doing Great!

Well, it has been almost four months since I last wrote, not a whole lot has happened.
Logan and I made the drive back to TX, which was not bad. We took the shorter route and got home in two days. Since we have been home Logan has finally started OT,speech and physical therapy and he is thriving!
Logan is doing so great! He is pretty much back to normal. He plays outside with his brothers and runs around everywhere, he is so happy and lovable!
One thing that is not real great but not to terrible, is he was diagnosed with asthma. He has an steroid inhaler that he has to use every morning and night. And when he starts having a coughing fit he has a Xopenex inhaler to get that under control. It just seems unfair that on top of everything else that's going on with him he has to get asthma to along with it. What's interesting about this is, Logan could have developed the asthma because the cord blood donor could have it. We did have a bit of a scare a couple of weeks ago. For about two weeks straight Logan was not himself. He wouldn't eat and I had to force him out of his bed. At the beginning of the first week I took him to the doctor, and they figured it was asthma related and as soon as we started breathing treatments he would perk up, well that was not the case. So at the end of the second week I brought him in and again they said it was asthma related, which made me angry because I was already giving him a lot of breathing treatments and he was getting steroid treatments. There was something else going on and I felt like they were not taking me seriously. I ended up emailing Dr. Paul, in NC to let him know what was going on, he emailed me back and said that his Cortisol level was probably low and the docs should give him a large dose of hydrocortisone right away. By then, we had already been sent home. So Dr. Paul had me give him 10mls of hydrocortisone and not thirty minutes after he was up and running around the house and eating. I was so angry at the doctors here for not catching that, he was on his way to having an adrenal attack. Ever since that, nothing major has happened and that's how I like it! We will be going back up to Duke early June for Logan's yearly studies.

Aiden is officially signed up for kindergarten. I can't believe he is going to be five years old, time really does go by way to fast! He is so excited about going to school, he keeps asking me if he can ride the bus. I'm still not so sure about that, I'm going to have a really hard time letting him go. I guess it's a big step for the both of us in a way.
Austin is doing great! He is such a clown, and he is sneaky! I have to keep an eye on that one, if there is something that no one is supposed to mess with, he'll be in it! I'm signing him up for some kind of sport in the fall, I think he will be amazing in anything that he chooses. He is so fast and has so much energy, and loves doing anything athletic. I am so proud of all my boys!:)
Make-A-Wish came by last week to meet Logan and the family. They are going to send us to Disney World! The boys are super excited... we are all excited! We should be going sometime in January.
That's everything for now! Hopefully nothing new will come up with Logan, besides more talking and gaining skills!