Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day -6

Logan has not been feeling very well today. This morning when he woke up he seemed like he was a little weak but, not too bad. We took him around the floor and went to the connection room to do some drawing. He enjoyed it for about ten minutes and then started nodding off right there at the table. He is just so exhausted and weak. The rest of the day was no better, he threw up a couple of times. Luckily the Zofran is keeping his nausea in check now. He has pretty much slept all day. Around 3:00 we woke him up so we could walk around the floor a little bit, because the more he moves the healthier he will be. We didn't make him walk, we just let him sit in the car while we pushed. At least he got out of bed! But I felt bad after because he threw up when we got back to the room. One good thing is he isn't running a fever. But almost everyone here has said that it's in our future. I hope not. Who knows, maybe Logan will be different, we will see. Well this is going to be a short one today because this is all I have. It hasn't been a very eventful day because Logan has been sleeping. I hope tomorrow will be better for Logan. It's very hard seeing him like this, but it was expected. Only five more days until Logan's transplant!

Billy and I made Logan some Wubbzy stuff to put on the wall. You can't find a whole lot of Wubbzy stuff anywhere. It's Logan's absolute favorite show.

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