Monday, August 16, 2010

So close, yet so far.

There is so much to update everyone on. First off Logan is doing great. We are finally getting his blood pressure under control. The doctors took Logan off his Nicardapine drip today to see if he can do well with out it. I hope he does! These past couple of days have been rough mentally for Logan. Being trapped in this room is really getting to him. Today we got him up and walking around the room and he did a little better then he normally does, but most of the time he throws a fit because he wants out.
All in all today has been a very good day, he has been awake all day with one thirty minute nap. He has been out of his bed and standing all day too. You can tell his spirits are a little down, being trapped in this room all day. I told the doctor I was worried about that today. He said that if Logan's para flu test came back negative then this weekend he can go walking around the clinic area, because there are no children there during the weekend. So please, please, pray that the test will come back negative, he needs this so bad!
Saturday night, Logan needed oxygen out of the blue. So the docs thought it was best to go ahead and get him a chest x-ray. We found out that Logan has atelectasis in his top right lung, which mean the top of his right lung is collapsed. It's not a huge deal, he just needs to get up and move around so he can get some air flowing through it. He is also getting three albuterol treatments a day.
Billy and I are starting our discharge classes this week. We are going to learn how to draw labs, and do dressing and cap changes. I am so excited to learn all of this stuff. And it means we are leaving soon! We just have to get him off that darn nicardopine drip. We will see what happens.That's about it for now. I do have some new pictures, so enjoy!

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