Monday, July 12, 2010

Day -4

We had quite a scare today. The morning started out like it was supposed to. Logan got the meds he usually gets and his chemo. About forty five minutes into his chemo Logan started rolling around in his bed and just couldn't get comfortable and then he started screaming. We called the nurses in, and they had no idea what was going on. Logan kept grabbing his neck near the incision from the central line surgery. The nurses were worried that his central line may be leaking because his neck looked a little swollen. They stopped the chemo and everything else that was running through the lines. I could tell by the nurses faces that this could be very bad. I asked what the reaction would be from chemo leaking out of the line. They said it has never happened before. Logan was rushed to get an X-Ray so they could inject the line with dye and make sure that it was not leaking. Through out all of this Logan was still screaming. When they did the X-Ray they saw that the central line was not cracked and leaking. It was a huge relief. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I have never seen Logan scream in pain like that. It has to be one of the scariest experiences in my life. They could not give him pain meds until they knew for sure that his line wasn't leaking because they have to inject the meds into his line. Anyway, they think that it may be a bad reaction to the Cytoxin. It's one of the rare side effects when the eyes, nose, and mouth burn, in Logan's case throat too. When we got back they gave him pain meds and he calmed down. Tomorrow when he receives his chemo they are going to give him Benadryl. It should help.
After everything he fell asleep for about four hours. When he woke up he felt much better. He has not thrown up at all today which is great! And after this morning it was a pretty good day. We took him out of the room and did ten laps,and took a bath. Then we watched some TV... Wubbzy of course. Right now he is just chilling in bed. Dr. Szabolcs thinks that he will be feeling pretty good tomorrow since the Dilanton will be totally out of his system. I am looking forward to that! That's it for today, there is a wet diaper calling to me. :)



  1. Poor little guy and how awful for you too. I'm glad things turned out ok. Hope tomorrow is a better day.

  2. Oh, Noelle and Billy, how scary that had to be for you!!!! Thank goodness it wasn't the line that was leaking. Poor little Logan, I wish there were something I could do to make this easier for you all. I love you all so much!!
