Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day -3

Logan started a new drug today called ATG. This is the most brutal one of them all. It's worse then the chemotherapy. ATG is an immunosuppressant. It is obtained by injecting human cells into a horse. The horse's immune system attacks the human cells and the antibodies are isolated to make the ATG. When injected into a human, the horse antibodies attack human T-cells. Usually when kids are given ATG they spike a very high fever. It can get up to 105, sometimes higher. They can get hives and their blood pressure can drop. The doctor said this is when kids feel the worst. It's some really scary stuff. So far Logan has not had a fever, which is a good sign that his fever won't get very high. He may or may not break out into the hives, but it's likely that he will. He had his chemo again today. He had a reaction, but it wasn't as bad because they gave him Benadryl as soon as he started acting uncomfortable. Tomorrow they are going to give it to him automatically since they know for sure what's going on with him. They also give him Benadryl with the ATG. He has been sleeping all day because of the Benadryl. His liver enzymes where a little high this morning. They checked them again before they gave him his chemo and they were normal. They think either the meds just hit the liver or that there was an error in the lab. But he is ok. Santa came by this morning! It's Christmas in July. He brought Logan some cool toys. I would have taken a picture but Logan didn't want Santa near him. He did enjoy the toys though. They had a pretty impressive Santa, real beard and all. It's so nice that they do things like this for the kidos up here. It's such a rough time for these poor kids, and they make it as nice as they can for them. Another awesome thing is tomorrow is Logan's last day of chemo! But he still has one more day of ATG after tomorrow, and then it's Transplant day! This is it for tonight. I hope that there will be no high fevers tonight.
Here is a chart of Logan's white blood count. Billy got all the labs together and made this chart. It should be down to 0 by transplant day. It's crazy seeing this.

1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping Logan's temp doesn't get too high. Seeing the chart Billy made makes it much more real, I am awaiting the good news that Logan has had his transplant and is doing great! Love you guys, you remain my heroes!!! Love you, Granny
